Pioneers Post is the independent news platform for social enterprise, impact investing and mission driven business.
As a news platform, we are committed to the principles of good journalism, and to ensure all reporting is carried out with accuracy, balance, fairness, intelligence and thoroughness. Our editorial feedback and standards process is explained below.
We also follow the Editors' Code of Practice, as set out by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).
As a social enterprise, Pioneers Post also has a clear social mission that sits alongside key principles of good journalism to define our editorial approach and values. Our mission is to support social entrepreneurs, impact investors, social ventures and mission driven businesses to "do good business, better".
We are committed to providing the tools and insight to build a better world through good business – through news, interviews, debate, events, films, podcasts and special reports. We want our journalism to support the development of a positive economy, promote shared value, social responsibility and sustainability alongside entrepreneurship, innovation and business excellence. We aim:
– To be the most insightful source of news, views and opportunities in social value and social enterprise
– To provide advice, skills and knowledge to help do social entrepreneurship better
– To discover and scrutinise new ideas in policy and practice
– To challenge the status quo across charity, public and business sectors
– To champion and question the legitimacy and impact of social enterprise at the global, national and local levels
– To explore what makes social entrepreneurship work and why it sometimes goes wrong
– To understand and profile the people behind social innovation and what motivates them
– To showcase and celebrate great examples of social entrepreneurship across charity, public and commercial sectors
– To connect people with conversations about social innovation
– To be a critical link in a community of people who are making change in different sectors and silos
– To approach our subject matter with honesty, pragmatism, good humour and with a sense of fun.
Editorial feedback and standards
Our subscribers and partners are central to our success. We hold annual customer/reader surveys which consist of online surveys in addition to focus groups and individual interviews.
We currently have an informal editorial advisory panel made up of experts across different sectors, geographies and areas of expertise, including policymakers, entrepreneurs, investors, other journalists and communications professionals. It is our intention to formalise this panel and hold regular (twice yearly) meetings as well as monthly calls with smaller groups, in order to receive feedback, guidance and advice on our editorial content, standards and direction.
Editorial complaints, controversies and inaccuracies
It important to us that we give voice to debate, and allow opinions to be expressed so long as they are based on facts that are correct. In addition to ensuring a culture of fact-checking and thorough research ourselves, for articles that are particularly technical or complex (eg involving complex financial vehicles) we have a policy to ask an independent expert to check articles for us (for accuracy, sense, nuance and sentiment) before publication. We are establishing a group pf go-to experts to support us with this.
Where there are factual inaccuracies, our policy is to apologise openly and publish an apology or clarification, as well as editing the article concerned to ensure it is accurate. Should a complaint be made about a ‘live’ article that we then need to check, our policy is to ‘unpublish’ that article while we are making the appropriate checks, and to publish a corrected version (with an explanatory note at the end of the article) once the facts have been checked and the article updated.
Should you have a question or complaint, please contact our team by email at hello@pioneerspost.com, leaving your contact details.