Pioneers Post will work to promote equal opportunity through the implementation and practice of policies, which ensure that individuals receive treatment that is fair and consistent with their skills, abilities and potential.
In the provision of services to customers and clients, in relationships with suppliers and in the employment and development of all staff, Pioneers Post will seek to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment for all.
No person or group of people employed by Pioneers Post will be treated less favourably than any other person or group, because of:
• Age
• Disability
• Gender reassignment
• Marriage and civil partnership
• Pregnancy and maternity
• Race
• Religion and belief
• Sex and sexual orientation
Or any other personal characteristic as detailed in the Equality Act 2010, unrelated to their ability to do their job effectively.
Legislation exists to protect employees and associates from discrimination and Pioneers Post will ensure that we comply fully with it.
Of equal importance is the spirit and culture of equality and fairness, which we will take active steps to achieve through this and all of our other policies.
Each individual has an important part to play in achieving this equality goal, since the way in which each of us behaves towards colleagues, clients, customers and suppliers, determines whether the environment at Pioneers Post is one in which all individuals have the opportunity to thrive. However, ultimate responsibility for the successful implementation of all policies and practices lies with Pioneers Post’s director and editor.
Pioneers Post has a duty of care to ensure as far as is possible that our employees do not suffer harm while in our employment.
We also have a duty of care, to take practical steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees, which includes protection from undue stress or pressure.
Since discrimination, harassment and absence of equal opportunity can result in undue stress; we will act to ensure that we work in an environment where everyone can feel physically, emotionally and psychologically safe.
To be an Equal Opportunity employer, the equality culture must permeate through all the actions and decisions made at Pioneers Post and through all other policies and procedures.
These policies encompass, but are not confined to the following areas:
Recruitment and Selection
Pioneers Post has a Recruitment & Selection policy which in summary, commits the Company to ensuring that unfair discrimination does not occur at any stage of the recruitment and employment process, covering all stages from the production of job descriptions and person specifications, through advertising, application packs, short listing, interviews, selection and employment.
Work Life Balance
Pioneers Post supports the principle of encouraging balance between work and family/personal life and has comprehensive policies and procedures to support this goal. These encompass flexible and part-time working, annual leave, maternity/paternity/adoption/shared parental leave, parental and carer leave as well as sickness and absence procedures.
Discipline and Grievances
In any working environment, it is inevitable that from time to time, misunderstandings and problems will occur. Communication is the key to solving these problems and whenever possible it is in the interest of all parties to work things out informally. Where this is not possible however, formal discipline and grievance procedures exist, which can be used to make complaints, settle grievances and to ensure that fair and consistent standards of discipline and performance are maintained.
Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying
Harassment is behaviour that is inappropriate, offensive and unwelcome to the person or people on the receiving end. Pioneers Post is determined that such behaviour will not be tolerated and is committed to ensuring that the environment is a supportive and positive one where discrimination and harassment plays no part. Employees can use the grievance procedure to make a complaint, where informal solutions are inappropriate or unproductive.
Pioneers Post will collect and maintain personal details from employees and applicants for equality monitoring purposes. This will provide data to allow for appropriate action to eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality of opportunity.
Policies will be clearly communicated to staff to ensure that all involved with Pioneers Post understand their rights and their responsibilities.
Pioneers Post’s Equality and Diversity Policy will be communicated to suppliers, service providers, subscribers, content partners and our broader readership in order that they are aware of our commitment to equality. Pioneers Post aspires to treat every client, customer and organisation with whom we have contact, with the same dignity and respect that we afford, and require from, our own employees.
In customer facing areas, a statement of our commitment to equality will be clearly displayed, together with details of the way in which customers can communicate with Pioneers Post when they feel that their treatment has fallen short of the standards we set for ourselves. Complaints and suggestions will be followed up and action taken when appropriate.
Where commercially practicable Pioneers Post will endeavour to work with suppliers and partners who are also able to demonstrate, through their written policies and in the way that they communicate and conduct their business with Pioneers Post, their own commitment to equality.
Policies and procedures will be reviewed regularly in order to ensure their currency and continued effectiveness.