Lee Mannion

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Global Social Innovation Round-Up

Global social innovation round-up #38

100 solutions for a better world, India's first B Corp, the other problem that social enterprises have apart from money and a 'good' hotel that is being floated from Amsterdam to London. It's all in the round-up.

Collection: NatWest SE100

Three is the magic number

At the NatWest SE100 Social Business Club Insight event in Bristol, the social entrepreneurs behind successful social enterprises Vi-Ability, 2nd Chance and Co-Wheels shared their travails and triumphs with an audience that was all ears.

social stock exchange_liverpool

Second regional Social Stock Exchange opens in Liverpool

“The idea is to move capital to the social entrepreneur rather than this late 19th century idea of the entrepreneur coming to London with his begging bowl to get a financier interested in his project,” said Social Stock Exchange CEO Tomás Carruthers.