Lee Mannion

My Latest Stories

Digial Agenda Impact Awards

Tech for good heroes celebrated at Impact awards

The spotlight shone on a plethora of life-changing ingenious ideas at the inaugural Digital Agenda Impact Awards on 2 March. Innovations are improving the lives of people with disabilities and saving the environment.

Social innovation round up

Global social innovation round-up #40

We're heading down under to find out about a state-wide social enterprise strategy and one country's first social impact bond. Then we're heading home for a new way for schools to fund the things they need to better educate pupils.

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UK civil society minister Rob Wilson reveals all

In an illuminating interview with Pioneers Post Quarterly, the UK's minister for civil society was zealous about social investment and social enterprises delivering public services. The Inclusive Economy Unit remains mysterious for now though.

Rob Wilson_social value summit

Rob Wilson announces review of Social Value Act

The minister for civil society announces a review, just two years after the last one. Former communities secretary Hazel Blears and Chris Catterall of Public Services Lab offer their suggestions at Social Value Summit.