Who knew Social Enterprise Day Vietnam

Social Enterprise Day 2018 goes global

Social enterprises from all over the world are preparing to take part in this year's Social Enterprise Day on 15 November. Is your #Whoknew message ready for social media success?

Villagers in Nyambu Bali

Redefining tourism in Bali

Social enterprise can operate in unexpected areas, as Nyambu village in Bali shows. With a unique offer to tourists, villagers protect their environment and generate their own income.

Entreprenelle, Egypt, Social Enterprise, Rania Ayman

Rania Ayman: Yes, she can

From selling perfume at college to building a national support community for female entrepreneurs in Egypt, Rania Ayman is determined to ensure that women take their place in the business world.

The Acropolis, Athens, Greece

Global Focus: Greece

In the face of their economic crisis, Greek people are developing a group of social enterprises and cooperatives to move the nation forward.