My Media: Gabriela Sonnleitner, CEO of magdas social business





I spend my commute with the magazine Profil – reading about politics, business or social issues. My favorite columnist is Elfriede Hammerl. When I arrive at magdas HOTEL in the morning I flick through a couple of Austrian newspapers – Standard, Kurier, Krone – just to see what is on the news agenda today. I also usually read Die Presse online on my way to the first meeting but most of my reading is done at weekends. An ideal Saturday morning starts with a Standard and a coffee. For me it’s a luxury to have time to read!



  Social Media


As I have to travel a lot between the different locations of our enterprises (we have a café, restaurant and mobile phone recycling operation as well as the hotel) I use metro or tram time to check Facebook – both mine and the business accounts. But sometimes I deliberately put my mobile phone away as I feel I’m missing the best thing – I miss reality!





My favourite Austrian radio station is Ö1 for features, stories and news. It broadcasts journalism refreshingly free of hyperbole or sensationalism, offering considered and balanced reporting.





As I played classical music myself when I was studying I still like to go to classical concerts or listen to world music. And I have a passion for accordion music – one of my favorite players is Otto Lechner.





I have a theatre membership with my 11 year old daughter Judith. I never got to go as a child so now I get to see all the plays and stories I have read but could never experience in a real show.

About magdas: the majority of staff at the magdas HOTEL are former refugees. The social mission of the hotel is to ensure that refugees are given a chance to work and be included, rather than excluded, from society and the labour market.