As the Assad regime in Syria fell, and while war continued to rage in Gaza, a Jordanian social entrepreneur shares how he’s encouraging young people to stay hopeful amid war and uncertainty – including with the ‘Robot Football Olympics’.
UK social investment industry still ‘designed to favour social bankers, not social businesses’, concludes Social Enterprise UK’s ‘report card’ on the Adebowale Commission.
Big business has a dismal record when it comes to respect for Indigenous peoples and local communities. That’s starting to shift, as even the most profit-hungry CEOs see that our futures are all interconnected. Are we entering a new era of partnership?
At the Social Enterprise World Forum 2021, Doughnut Economics Action Lab’s Erinch Sahan urges the social enterprise movement to stop seeing itself as existing on the margins.
DCMS confirms civil society brief remains there, but minister is still TBC. Meanwhile, prime minister Boris Johnson's 'levelling up' project gains political ground as economist Andy Haldane heads levelling-up taskforce and Kruger gets junior role.
President of UK business group urges firms to switch to positive purpose as influential Future of the Corporation project calls for overhaul of company director role. But, asked if profit or purpose comes first, business leaders are evenly split.
The education offered to future business leaders, accountants and financiers is “deeply acultural, secular and exclusive”. Faith-based approaches could guide a new model – one that nourishes trust, respects nature and builds a sustainable economy.
BSC says it wants to hit £15bn of social investment by 2025. Stephen Muers tells us why that means going beyond “small and fiddly” investments, why dormant assets cash may not be needed – and why recent criticism isn't a reason to change course.
Fisherman turned climate scientist Tero Mustonen set up Snowchange, a co-operative, to help rewild his native Finland. But, as peatlands and lakes slowly recover, a new question emerges: how much should humans continue to intervene with nature?
An Northamptonshire sports club that has welcomed young bikers and skaters for years can now boast two Olympic medalists among its members. Pioneers Post met them on their return from Tokyo and found out what makes Adrenaline Alley special.
Former investment banker Gareth Davies says UK wholesaler should broaden scope to ‘enhance profits’, one of many sweeping changes he proposes to boost social investment. But BSC says it’s already ‘picking winners’ while putting impact first.