As the Assad regime in Syria fell, and while war continued to rage in Gaza, a Jordanian social entrepreneur shares how he’s encouraging young people to stay hopeful amid war and uncertainty – including with the ‘Robot Football Olympics’.
UK social investment industry still ‘designed to favour social bankers, not social businesses’, concludes Social Enterprise UK’s ‘report card’ on the Adebowale Commission.
Big business has a dismal record when it comes to respect for Indigenous peoples and local communities. That’s starting to shift, as even the most profit-hungry CEOs see that our futures are all interconnected. Are we entering a new era of partnership?
UN recognition of the social economy builds on progress in many countries, from Senegal to South Korea. The next step is widespread implementation, say Victorine Anquediche Ndeye, Marlène Schiappa, Chantal Line Carpentier, Frédéric Bailly and Francois Bonnici.
The entrepreneur that sees his venture as a "pain reliever" for high-polluting firms in Indonesia; what it takes to create an inclusive impact fund – and meeting President Biden: this week's update from the editors at Pioneers Post.
Social entrepreneur Aimée Clint was namechecked by US president Joe Biden during his speech in Northern Ireland in April to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. “It was like watching a movie,” she tells us.
The global impact deals, reports and initiatives you need to know about this month – all in one place. Featuring ABC Fund, L’Oréal, Social Value Portal, Growth Impact Fund, and many more.
INTERVIEW: With its pilot £25m impact fund, the Church of England is becoming an important player in UK social investing. Vanessa Morphet tells us why it's all about being "catalytic" – and why the church's decentralised structure brings challenges.
Assurance of sustainability reports is meant to tell us that the reporting has been done properly. Shouldn’t that question be answered from the perspective of the people most affected by an organisation’s actions?