NatWest SE100 Social Business Awards 2024 finalists announced


A food co-operative addressing 'needless malnutrition' using surplus food that would otherwise go to landfill.

An enterprise transforming support for children after parental suicide.

A tea company empowering refugees whilst pioneering plastic-free teabags and biodegradable packaging.

And a social investment deal helping people access urgent support when it really matters, in times of crisis.

East Brighton Food Co-op (pictured below), Luna Foundation and Nemi Teas are just three of the 32 pioneers who make up the diverse and brilliant line up of finalists in this year's NatWest SE100 Social Business Awards – along with a multi-million pound investment deal advised by Eastside People with SWIM (Support When it Matters) and funded by the Social Investment Business Reach Fund, CAF Venturesome and Charity Bank.

The awards, created and run by Pioneers Post in partnership with NatWest Social & Community Capital, celebrate the achievements of the UK's most entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient social businesses during the past year across seven categories (see below).

East Brighton Food Coop

In each category judges will name at least one winner and a highly commended place, which will be announced at the awards ceremony on the evening of 16 July, hosted at NatWest's central London conference venue at 250 Bishopsgate.

In addition to the awards, we will also reveal the annual 'SE100 Top 100' list - the UK's top 100 social businesses, which will be announced the week before the awards event.

It was a real joy for our group of expert adjudicators to explore the enterprising solutions, innovative investment deals and often very moving stories of so many pioneering organisations and the people running them

Victoria PapworthVictoria Papworth, CEO of NatWest Social & Community Capital (pictured left), said: “A huge congratulations to all those named as this year’s NatWest SE100 finalists. Social & Community Capital are delighted to partner with Pioneers Post to showcase the very best social enterprises across the UK and recognise the fantastic work of these impactful organisations. As we enter into our 25th year of supporting social enterprises within the UK, we are inspired by the resilience, ambition and creativity that we see in the sector to create meaningful impact within our communities.” 

Tim West, founding editor and CEO of Pioneers Post (pictured below), said: “Congratulations to all our finalists! We held our judging meeting last week and it was a real joy for our group of expert adjudicators to explore the enterprising solutions, innovative investment deals and often very moving stories of so many pioneering organisations and the people running them.”Tim West Pioneers Post at SE100 awards

“The NatWest SE100 is always a really busy and demanding process for our team and for the judges, and I am hugely grateful to them for their time and their thoughtfulness in helping to make some very difficult decisions. The awards night on 16 July is going to be a fantastic evening, full of inspiring stories and a chance to connect with fellow pioneers and explore some of the best models for positive change.

“After so many weeks watching politicians seemingly doing battle over who's getting things wrong, I'm looking forward to hearing from and celebrating the people and organisations who are actually putting things right for our communities across the UK!”


Social Business Pioneer

For established social ventures (trading for at least five years) that have experienced positive financial growth and delivered strong social impact over the past year, thanks to an entrepreneurial and sustainable business model. Supported by Buzzacott.


The Big Issue Group

Glyn Wylfa

Grace Enterprises

Social Ark

Upturn Enterprise


Pioneering Newcomer​

Are you a social business start-up (up to five years trading) with a clear mission and entrepreneurial flair, who can demonstrate positive growth and impact, as well as great promise for the future? Supported by Buzzacott.


East Brighton Food Coop

Esports Youth Club

Pocket Power

WYK Digital

Zero Gravity


Impact Management Pioneer

For enterprises that take considerable measures to manage, demonstrate and communicate the social and environmental impact and value of their business, using this to improve their performance and win new business. Supported by Impact Reporting.



Leaders Plus

Noise Solution

The Social Change Nest


Diversity Pioneer

For social enterprises leading by example and inspiring others to embed equity, equality, diversity and inclusion into their organisations and their work in local communities. Supported by the Social Investment Business.



Social Ark

Public Practice

WYK Digital

You Be You


Climate Pioneer 

For pioneering organisations leading by example and inspiring others to work against climate change and towards a greener, more resilient future. Supported by Hogan Lovells.



The Carbon Literacy Project

Finance Earth


Nemi Teas

Ladan & Rihan of Nemi Teas

Tea for two: Ladan and Rihan, two Nemi Teas trainees working at the Trampoline Café in Angel, north London as part of the organisation's hospitality training programme


Social Investment Pioneer

For groundbreaking or innovative deals, programmes or funds in social / impact investment. Supported by Good Finance.


Big Issue Invest and Unltd (Growth Impact Fund) with Lightning Reach (plus Fredericks Foundation, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Barrow Cadbury Trust and Treebeard Trust)

Bristol & Bath Regional Capital with ACH (Ashley Community Housing)

Eastside People with SWIM (plus SIB Reach Fund, CAF Venturesome, Charity Bank)

Impact Hub London with British Land

MiMe Heuristics with Thrive Together Fund (Social Investment Business), Postcode Innovation Trust, Reliance Bank and existing investor Resonance

Social Investment Scotland - Community Investment Enterprise Fund (CIEF) with Lloyds Bank, Better Society Capital, BCRS Business Loans, Business Enterprise Fund, Finance for Enterprise

We are Juno CIC with Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Wirral Council, Postcode Innovation Trust


Pioneering Leader 

For social enterprise bosses demonstrating excellent leadership, effectiveness and inspiration in taking the team on a mission-driven journey to success.


Alastair Davis, Social Investment Scotland

James Dunbar, New Start Highland

Hayley Hulme, Starts with you

Bilkis Miah, You Be You

Matt Parfitt, Grace Enterprises

Sebastian Rocca, Micro Rainbow

Lisa Stepanovic, Social Ark

Anna Wardley, Luna Foundation


You can read more about the NatWest SE100 in our SE100 Collection.

More questions? Read the NatWest SE100 Criteria and FAQ – or get in touch via





PS Thanks for reading our stories. As an entrepreneur or investor yourself, you'll know that producing quality work doesn't come free. We rely on our subscribers to sustain our impact journalism – so if you think it's worth having an independent, specialist media platform that covers social enterprise stories, please consider subscribing. You'll also be buying social: Pioneers Post is a social enterprise itself, reinvesting all our profits into helping you do good business, better.


The NatWest SE100 Index and Social Business Awards is an annual programme created and delivered by Pioneers Post in partnership with NatWest Social & Community Capital - and supported by Buzzacott, Social Investment BusinessHogan Lovells and Impact Reporting. The programme aims to list, celebrate and learn from the UK’s 100 most impressive social enterprises every year.