Altech, a social enterprise founded by former refugees, provides affordable solar energy to underserved people in the Democratic Republic of Congo and new investment could support nearly 14,000 households.
An initiative claiming to ‘simplify’ EU sustainability laws has been branded ‘full-scale deregulation’ by opponents, with former UN high commissioner for human rights Mary Robinson calling on the European Parliament to resist the reforms.
While Donald Trump and Arab leaders compete over plans to rebuild Gaza, local social entrepreneurs are already providing solutions for their communities. It’s a journey towards self-sufficiency and independence for the Palestinian people.
A new London social enterprise cafe launched by CEO of NEMI Teas and SE100 winner Pranav Chopra employs and trains refugees. We share a coffee with its team as they find their feet in the opening weeks.
Shared messaging described as "big milestone" in path towards a national strategy for Australia, with a new national organisation to lead the process and represent the sector.
PLUS: JPMorgan Chase commits £1.2m to Fair4All Finance to improve financial inclusion; IIX launches coalition to develop first gender-lens ‘asset class’; UK impact investments estimated at £58bn; and more.
Danone UK and Ireland is one of the biggest B Corps in the region, but it also partners with – and learns from – smaller, innovative businesses in the B Corp community. Danone's Rebecca Lovelady reflects on the power of partnerships to drive change.
Organisation behind B Corp certification issues moratorium on companies operating in Russia or Belarus, saying situation raises “very significant questions” for good business movement, and that other crises deserved similar attention.
Social Procurement Festival: Social Enterprise UK’s Andrew O’Brien urges businesses to take on the “real challenge” of changing how they operate, while Social Value UK’s Catherine Manning lays out what good social value practice means.
The rapid recent growth of social enterprise in Nigeria – Africa's most populous country – is driven by young people who recognise its potential and the opportunities to tackle social problems.
One of the pioneers of social impact bonds, Social Finance's new CEO Adam Swersky loves podcasts – and has a great book recommendation for team leaders.
Leslie Johnston, previously the first executive director of the C&A Foundation, will replace Steven Serneels at the helm of the European network of investors for impact.