Embedding a Culture of Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education – UnLtd HE Support

Getting students to put down the beer and pick up social entrepreneurship

Universities have been leading a change in the UK. Supported by UnLtd and the Higher Education Fund for England (HEFCE) 56 higher education institutions have worked to transform social enterprise on campus. 


A quarter of a million ventures are started up each year and graduates are four times as likely to start a venture as non graduates. So what better place to look for social  entrepreneurs than on campus?

UnLtd with Hefce have been supporting 56 universities to work with students and staff and support their ideas, offer funding and create change.

Watch our video of a recent conference in London, bringing social enterprises, universities, lecturers and student unions together to talk about the successes and challenges of embedding social change in higher education.

You can find out more about the programme at UnLtd.