Why are so few social businesses household names – and what can we do about it? Listen in to some of the bright spots, bugbears and recommendations on scaling from the ScaleUp Institute, Big Society Capital and Impact Hub King's Cross.
Will changes proposed by the Department of Transport put community transport operators out of business? Or is this a huge opportunity for social enterprises to compete fairly against purely commercial bus operators?
In a UK-first, a social impact bond is being used to launch a scheme for young people with special needs to learn to use public transport on their own. The aim is to save councils money as well as improving young people's independence.
ClealySo, one of the UK's leading social investment intermediaries, has raised over £100m through its clients. The capital will be channeled to high impact social businesses.
A social enterprise bus operator in the UK has raised £10m investment from institutional investors and lenders, making this the largest growth capital investment in the UK impact investing sector.