MY IMPACT CAREER: Khaled Shaaban, a Syrian refugee and founder of ‘impact outsourcing’ platform Subul, shares how providing job opportunities for other refugees has always been at the heart of his work.
The NatWest SE100 Social Business Champion is "all about social value", donating £1.7m to charity last year. Clear Voice CEO Sadie Visick tells us what's behind the company's success – and why rapid growth brings new challenges.
How to get honest feedback, get your mentors on board, and make big changes a bit less scary: the director of award-winning social enterprise Breadwinners tells us what he's learned about impact management.
Ikea Social Entrepreneurship and Cisco Foundation join NESsT Refugee Employment Initiative to help enterprises boost livelihoods for those fleeing from Ukraine and elsewhere.
Our SE100 winners share secrets to overcoming self-doubt, and tell us why it's all about family. Plus, the awkward questions facing a social entrepreneur when the very institution she's trying to change offers funding.
WISE Ways to Lead: How can you use your professional experience and networks to make a difference to refugees? Top tips and resources from social enterprises Breadwinners and The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network.
If we don’t try to change unfair systems – even if it means working with institutions we fundamentally disagree with – are we ignoring the root cause of the problem? It's complicated, says Migrateful founder Jess Thompson.
Logistics knowledge, problem-solving abilities and legal expertise are all key in relief efforts. As the war in Ukraine continues, will more entrepreneurs answer the call to make a bigger, bolder difference to the world, asks Carrie Santos.
A new London social enterprise cafe launched by CEO of NEMI Teas and SE100 winner Pranav Chopra employs and trains refugees. We share a coffee with its team as they find their feet in the opening weeks.