Those pushing impact investing need to address three key questions if it is to fulfil its potential. This week the University of Heidelberg’s Gorgi Krlev asks: why does Europe seem to be left behind – and does it matter?
Pioneers Post wouldn't always advise taking dating tips from social finance experts, but our NEW FILM reveals some top tips for those looking to seduce a partner in social investment.
As the UK bows out of Europe, Euclid Network CEO Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes shares what Brussels is doing for social enterprises in the remaining EU-27 – and what more could be done.
The UK may be leaving the EU, but there are plenty of other countries keen to see social entrepreneurship thrive. We drop in on just a few of the region's hotspots.
"How can Britain move from responding to an immediate crisis to taking a long-term approach to integrating refugees and asylum seekers into British life?" Simon Rowell from Big Society Capital considers whether social investment could play a part.
"Social enterprises are shaping the future of the 21st century and Amsterdam wants to be in the middle of it." This week the European Commission launched its 2016 Social Innovation Competition in the Dutch capital.
Approximately 750,000 migrants are estimated to have arrived in Europe by sea so far this year. The European Venture Philanthropy Annual Conference highlights the social ventures working to support them.
The Social Enterprise World Forum in Milan had plenty of notable attendees but it was the state of the sector in Italy that dominated the conversation.