Mission-driven businesses in Latin America, Spain and Portugal need a “new institutional architecture”: laws, regulation and policies that help them to flourish without stifling growth, according to new research by the UN and partners.
The legal profession has been ‘slow to acknowledge’ the climate crisis, writes solicitor David Hunter, despite having the tools to be part of the emergency response. How can lawyers start deploying their skills – before it's too late?
Former Delaware judge calls for new ‘EESG’ approach to ensure companies don’t shirk responsibility when it comes to employee rights, and warns it would be a mistake not to hold institutional investors to the same standards.
An EU law on how large companies report sustainability information is up for review, with a public consultation closing on 11 June. To have a real impact, the legislation needs much clearer requirements, argues law firm Frank Bold.
Bite-sized stories this week: Google's new SDG accelerator, calls to overhaul UK company law, 'radical hospitality' in San Francisco grows, and Scotland's social enterprise awards.
Recommendations to simplify and clarify the legal framework for social investment by charities have been broadly welcomed by the UK civil society sector. NCVO's Andrew O'Brien analyses the Law Commission's report.