Tagged - social enterprise

Alternative energy

Global social innovation round-up #04

Acumen partners Unilever to support smallholder farmers around the world, Thailand is one step closer to introducing social enterprise legislation and Nutella tycoon leaves social enterprise legacy.

New York City

Global social innovation round-up #03

RBS breaks social enterprise targets in the UK, a Ugandan-Dutch mobile phone social enterprise receives US$1 boost and one of the US's most prestigious Ivy League business schools opens specialised social enterprise hub.


Impact investing: advice from the frontline

“There will never be enough investment, so it’s our task to get as much as possible from the investment that is available and make it go further than ever before,” explains the CEO of UK-based First Ark Group.


Global social innovation round-up #02

The Phone Co-op and 16 other organisations are backing a Tax Dodging Bill in the UK, New York Times columnist David Brooks gives impact investing his editorial approval and Unilever celebrate sustainability success.