Get a Mohawk

How 'get a mohawk' decision-making can enrich your career

Do any social entrepreneurs follow conventional career paths?

Jessamyn Lau certainly hasn't. She went to art school and shocked her parents by getting her long dark hair cut off into a mohawk (or mohican for British punks). After a relationship broke up she decided to recover by moving from England to China: she convinced a Beijing school to employ her as a teacher with no experience or qualifications. Then she thought she'd move to Utah and study for an MBA. Today she supports social entrepreneurs in her role at the Peery Foundation

Is this purposeful decision-making or whimsy and self-indulgence? What do you think?

Our friends at iOn Poverty are interviewing inspirational social entrepreneurs from across the globe about their careers, their motivation and what makes them successful in order to inspire others to get 'jobs with meaning'. We'll be featuring a number of their films on Pioneers Post over the coming months - so watch out for our favourites.