Videos & Podcasts

  • Good Leaders Podcast Episode 18 – Ashoka’s Marie Ringler: ‘I’ve been proudest of myself when I’ve jumped into cold water’

    She hates small talk and has a taste for bold decisions: Ashoka’s Europe leader Marie Ringler talks about her journey from politician to social innovator, why the feeling of powerlessness is the biggest poison in the world, and more.

  • ​​Good Ideas: Why the co-CEOs of Women’s Work Lab don’t want their jobs

    Cambridge Social Innovation Prizewinners Camilla Rigby and Rachel Mostyn, founders of Women’s Work Lab, say they want to build a team of women they’ve supported into work so strong they can hand the organisation over to its community.

  • Good Stories Episode 4 – Reconfiguring the landscape of the outdoor sports industry

    Join Pioneers Post reporter David Lyons at Kendal Mountain Festival, where some outdoor wear brands, including Patagonia, are pushing forward circular economy solutions to halt the industry’s damaging effects on the environment.

Queer like me

Coming out as a gay when she was 19 wasn't easy for Indian Vini Bhansali, but this social entrepreneur strongly believes in the power of people working together to make things better for the generations that follow. Be inspired by her story in our latest favourite iOnPoverty film.

RBS SE100 Index: a portrait of a sector

With a combined turnover of £319m and an average growth rate of 60%, the top 100 enterprises in the RBS SE100 Index are an impressive bunch, fighting hard against the economic gloom to secure success against both financial and social bottom lines. But who were the three businesses who came out on top to share the £25,000 prize fund?